Welcome from our Agent Leadership Council!

The Agent Leadership Council (ALC) and the International Associate Council give our agents a voice in the direction of profitability of our company, serving as the foundation for all that we do.

Richelle West

Sales Representative

Marilyn Scribnock

Sales Representative

Jean Richer

Sales Representative

Patrick Piette

Sales Representative

Rainer Bruchhaeuser

Sales Representative

Sara Du

Sales Representative

Geraldine Taylor

Sales Representative

Roseli Quarti

Sales Representative

Bernie Coughlin

Sales Representative

Shane Foley

Sales Representative

Kaity Campbell

Sales Representative

Bruno Gamache

Sales Representative

Michelle Scribnock

Sales Representative

Sepehr Safaee

Sales Representative

Our Locations

Ottawa Office
2148 Carling Avenue,
Units 5 & 6
Ottawa, ON K2A 1H1
Phone: (613) 829-1818

Kanata Office
737 Silver Seven Road,
Unit 1
Kanata, On K2V 0H3
Phone: (613) 721-4492

Our Locations

Cornwall Office
902 Second St. W. Unit G100
Cornwall, ON K6J 1H7
Phone: (613) 209-3555

Orleans Office
2062 St Joseph Boulevard
Orleans, ON K1C 1E6
Phone: (613) 721-7504